Your Skin & Aging
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- Your Skin & Aging
RegenaCell® helps reduce the signs of aging
- Your Skin
- As We Age
- Premature Aging
- Healthy Skin

Your Skin Is Constantly Regenerating
Your skin comprises between 15-20% of your total body weight. Each square inch has more than 38 million cells! Your skin is constantly regenerating. A cell is born in the lower layer of skin called the dermis. It migrates upwards for about two weeks and spends another two weeks in the epidermis, the outer layer, before it is shed. Approximately two billion cells are replaced daily. This regeneration keeps our skin fresh and in good condition.

As We Age Rejuventation Slows
As we age, the revitalization and rejuvenation process begins to slow. Starting in our twenties, the skin begins to visibly manifest the effects of aging. Changes in the connective tissues that give skin its firmness and elasticity begin to occur. Collagen production decreases. Without proper padding and support, the skin begins to sag and wrinkle. As our skin becomes less elastic, it turns dry. Blood circulation decreases and the skin becomes thinner and more transparent. Veins begin to show through.

Poor Cell Renewal Causes Premature Aging
Premature aging occurs not only when the new cells are not exact replicas of the previous cells, but also when a poor cell rejuvenation environment hampers cell replication. There is an obvious need for products that will support the health/function of our skin and aid in the prevention of premature aging. RegenaCell® Daily Anti-Aging Cream has been formulated to be such a product.

Enjoy Healthy Skin
Your skin is the first line of defense against dehydration, weak immunity, injuries and temperature changes. Healthy skin cells can detoxify harmful substances using the same enzyme processes used by the liver. Keep your skin healthy so that it can continue to properly protect you.
Ultraviolet Light and Skin Damage
Exposure to ultraviolet light (UVA and UVB) accounts for 90% of the symptoms associated with photoaging. Photoaging refers to the damage that is done to the skin from prolonged exposure to UV radiation. Most of the skin changes that occur as we get older are accelerated by sun exposure.
The sun’s heat dehydrates areas of unprotected skin and depletes the skin’s supply of natural lubricating oils. Therefore, overexposure to ultraviolet light can cause skin to become dry, thin, and wrinkled. Prolonged sun exposure can also lead to skin cancer and a host of other cellular skin changes caused by free radical damage.
UV radiation is one of the major creators of free radicals. Free radicals are unstable oxygen molecules that have only one electron (making them unstable) instead of two. This process can damage cell function and alter genetic material. Antioxidants are known to be free radical scavengers that can help reduce damage caused by ultra violet light.
Both UVA and UVB radiation can cause:
- Skin damage including wrinkles
- Lowered immunity against infection
- Aging skin disorders and cancer
- Collagen breakdown
- Formation of free radicals
- Interference with DNA repair

RegenaCell® and Sun Damaged Skin
RegenaCell® contains many different beneficial antioxidants and nutrients to help protect against exposure to ultra violet light, while helping to reduce the signs of sun damaged skin, such as fine lines, wrinkles, discoloration, and dryness.
- DMAE – A potent cell membrane stabilizer
- Vitamin C – Produces positive changes in sun-damaged skin
- Vitamin E – Prevents skin from premature aging induced by UV radiation
- L-Carnosine – Protects cellular DNA and chromosomes from oxidative damage
- Alpha Lipoic Acid – A powerful antioxidant
- Grape Seed Extract – Helps prevents premature aging induced by UV radiation
- Hyaluronic Acid – Helps restore smoothness and elasticity of tissues
- Aloe Vera – Helps screen out radiation
- NaPCA – A wonderful moisturizing agent
- Vitamin A – Helps moisture to penetrate more easily
- Panthenol – Supports rejuvenation and longevity
- Lecithin – An important nutrient that repairs and maintains cell membranes
- Chamomile Extract – Improves texture and reduces fine lines and wrinkles
- Horsetail Extract – Helps to soften and smooth the skin
See the full list of Ingredients in RegenaCell.
- Look older than you feel?
- Want younger, healthier and more vibrant skin?
- Want to revitalize and rejuvenate your skin?
- Consider having plastic surgery?
- Have dry, sun-damaged or weathered skin?
- Have more wrinkles and sagging than you want?
- Know that your current skin care regimen could be doing more harm than good?